Who We Are
Sciperio is a research and development company at the forefront of physical and biological innovation, offering expertise in mechanical, chemical, electrical, and biological sciences. Our team of skilled scientists and engineers from diverse disciplines is committed to challenging traditional scientific boundaries and developing next-generation technologies. With a transdisciplinary engineering approach, Sciperio takes concepts from invention through innovation to full product realization.
Our core capabilities include additively manufactured electronics (AME), mechatronics, machine learning, printed electronics, and biological engineering. Leveraging cutting-edge systems designed by our sister company, nScrypt, we have achieved milestones such as 3D-printing conformal array antennas on complex surfaces for the Air Force, 3D manufacturing Space Force Cubesats, and manufacturing blood on demand in austere environments for the DOD’s Point of Need challenge.
The name of the company is derived from two Latin words: scientia, meaning science, and aperio, to reveal. Our mission is to research new concepts, and to develop next generation technologies. Advanced technology has the ability to connect two people miles apart, to mobilize people and enable them to do business in their offices, homes and cars, to protect our homes and country, to diagnose and treat sickness, to entertain, and to teach. Simply put, advanced technology provides opportunities that were non-existent a hundred, fifty, or even just five years ago. At Sciperio, we appreciate our position at the forefront of high-tech innovation, while at the same time we recognize God’s hand in the development of technology. We respect life at all levels and seek to promote technology for the betterment of humankind.